Home Film Film review: Iridescence is stylish

Film review: Iridescence is stylish

Writer and director Max Beauchamp is a talent to watch


The highly stylized Iridescence is told with a stunning production design by Mayra Ometto, using dance choreographed by Danielle Gardner, and music from Armando Fierro and Tobias Bartsch.

Using images instead of dialogue it tells the story of a young man who is raised by an abusive father. The mother’s absence is ambiguous, but her presence is seen and felt.

The abusive father tattoos his son with large words like “worthless” and “homo”. While the images are both graphic and disturbing, it is also a little ‘on the nose’ in terms of its symbolism, as is the motivation for the father’s abuse.

But the style and delivery of this short film is so assured and accomplished that Vancouver-based director, Max Beauchamp, is clearly one to watch.

Screenplay and direction: Max Beauchamp
Producers: Kent Donguines, Vancouver Film School
Cast: Jhomar Suyom, Andrew Nadanyi, Lara Amelie Abadir, Anthony Juo, Oliver Birmingham, Jared Khalifa
Cinematographer: Kang Park
Editing: Duy Bui

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