Home 20 Questions 20 Questions with Susan Coodin

20 Questions with Susan Coodin

20 questions with Vancouver actor Susan Coodin.
20 questions with Vancouver actor Susan Coodin.

Meet actor Susan Coodin.

Meet Susan Coodin

Susie is an actor who works in theatre, film and television. She has had the opportunity to work all over the lower mainland and Vancouver Island, and has toured the country as far east as Newfoundland. Born and raised in Vancouver, she first got the acting but at a young age working with The Jewish Young People’s Theatre, under the direction of Lynna Goldhar-Smith. Before finishing the acting program at Studio 58 in 2008, she completed a BA in English Literature at UBC. When not acting, she teaches acting to youngsters, at Arts Umbrella and the Young Shakespeareans.

20 Questions with Susan Coodin

1. Your first job.

Scooping popcorn at Fifth Avenue Cinemas.

2.  The job you always wanted as a child.


3. Your pet peeve.

The sound of people crunching ice with their teeth.

4. Your hero.

Eddie Vedder.

5. Your biggest indulgence.

The Kardashians.

6.  One thing no one knows about you (and you’re willing to share).

I have an extraordinary sense of hearing.

7.  Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

Snacks, snacks, more snacks.

8.  The one word your best friend would use to describe you.

Interesting. In quotation marks.

9.  If you were not an actor what would you be doing right now?

Wishing I were an actor.

10.  Hero or villain?


11.  Your life’s motto/mantra.

It could be worse.

12.  Your favourite playwright or author.

Michael Ondaatje.

13.  The last book you read.

Divergence En Francais.

14.  If you were a breakfast cereal what breakfast cereal would you be?


15.  What will it say on your grave marker?

She always ate her vegetables!

16.  Who would you most like to have dinner with?

Louis CK.

17.  Your idea of happiness.

Being on a desert island with lots of snacks.

18.  If you could go back in time, what would you tell your twenty year old self?

It could be worse!

19.  The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

Completing this survey.

20.  To be or not to be?

To be.

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