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Friday, July 26, 2024

Theatre review: Dirty Laundry is a naughty treat

If variety is the spice of life, Briefs Factory International’s Dirty Laundry is as scorching and sexy as a cabaret show gets. On stage at the York Theatre until June 25.

If variety is the spice of life, Briefs Factory International’s Dirty Laundry is as scorching and sexy as a cabaret show gets.

A mix of circus, dance, drag, burlesque and comedy, The Cultch & Zee Zee Theatre brings this larger-than-life production to the York Theatre until June 25, and Vancouver audiences are in for a naughty treat.

Led and hosted by Briefs Factory artistic director Fez Faanana (aka Shivanana), Dirty Laundry celebrates queer talent and vibrantly entertains in a way that inescapably brings an audience together in uninhibited joy and hilarity.

Racy and thrilling, the Briefs Boys indulge us with various evocative skits throughout the 70-minute run-time, weaving in exceptional skill, physical prowess, and circus tricks with a wicked twist.

Audience members are covering their eyes in disbelief one moment, laughing uncontrollably the next, and mesmerized by elegant and beautiful acrobatics the next. Consistent throughout, though, is the joy that emanates from audience members. The quality of the production and the atmosphere the cast facilitates make this evening of theatre feel like a jubilant party.

While the theme of ‘airing dirty laundry’ feels a little shoehorned at times, it doesn’t matter, as the cast’s talent, charisma and the engaging cadence of the show outweigh any need for a coherent narrative. Audience interaction is also brilliantly executed, with Faanana engaging those who share cheeky ‘confessions’ with sass, compassion, and comedic expertise.

Experiencing Dirty Laundry was the most fun evening I can remember having in Vancouver, with its mix of visual spectacle, cutting humour, and an abundance of unadulterated fun. And what better way to celebrate Pride month than spending a wild and joyful evening with the Briefs boys and their toys?

Dirty Laundry. Produced by Briefs Factory International. Directed by Fez Faanana. Presented by The Cultch & Zee Zee Theatre. On stage at the York Theatre (639 Commercial Dr, Vancouver) until June 25. Visit for tickets and information.

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