A comedy from Pulitzer Prize nominee Theresa Rebeck, Seminar tells the story of four aspiring young novelists who sign up for private writing classes with an international literary figure. Under his instruction, some thrive and others flounder, with alliances made and broken, hearts unmoored and where sex is used as a weapon.
Seminar stars Gina Leon, Michael Germant, Brendan Riggs and Christine Wallace and Genie award-winning television and film actor Martin Cummins. It is directed by Mel Austin Tuck.
David C Jones talks with Seminar actors Germant and Leon to find out more.
Presented by Island Productions in association with Frolicking Divas and BarS Entertainment, Seminar plays the PAL Studio Theatre (581 Cardero St) April 15-19, 2014. Tickets are available online from Brown Paper Tickets.