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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

20 questions with Alexis Fletcher

This week in our ongoing series we ask Ballet BC dancer Alexis Fletcher our 20 questions.

Meet Alexis Fletcher

Alexis Fletcher was born in Vancouver and raised in the Comox Valley where she received her early training before attending Arts Umbrella’s Professional Training Program. Alexis was a member of the Arts Umbrella’s student company and attended Springboard Danse Montreal. After graduating in 2005, she joined Ballet BC. Both with the company and independently, she has had the privilege of performing works by John Alleyne, Emily Molnar, Crystal Pite, José Navas, William Forsythe, Itzik Galili, Dominique Dumais, Nicolo Fonte, Wen Wei Wang, Serge Bennathan, Kevin O’Day, Aszure Barton, Rob Kitsos, Sidra Bell, Medhi Walerski, Johan Inger and Gioconda Barbuto, among many others. Alexis is in her 10th season with Ballet BC.

Visit for more information on the Ballet BC 2014/2015 season.

20 Questions with Alexis Fletcher

1. Your first job.

In a retail clothing store.

2. The job you always wanted as a child.

Forensic scientist.

3. Your pet peeve.

Shoes in the house.

4. Your hero.

Many different people who I am blessed to have in my life.

5. Your biggest indulgence.


6. One thing no one knows about you (and you’re willing to share).

I’m not willing to share!

7. Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

Survival basics, my family, and a boat to get us off the island.

8. The one word your best friend would use to describe you.

I asked her.  She said ‘insightful”.

9. If you were not a performer what would you be doing right now?

I imagine I would be offering bodywork or facilitating healing for others in some way. I hope I would still be fortunate enough to be exploring and offering something to humanity.

10. Hero or villain.

Is it always either/or?

11. Your life’s motto/mantra.

Ahimsa, which means non-violence.

12. Your favourite kind of dance (classical or contemporary).

I do not have a favourite – every great piece of art tells us something unique.

13. The last movie you watched.

I actually cannot remember, but the last book I read was “The Signature of All Things” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

14. If you were a breakfast cereal what breakfast cereal would you be?

Barbara’s Puffins.

15. What will it say on your grave marker?

I will leave that in the hands of my loved ones.

16. Who would you most like to have dinner with?

Besides my husband?  Ruth St. Denis.

17. Your idea of happiness.

Being grounded in myself, also knowing my loved ones are safe and well.

18. If you could go back in time, what would you tell your twenty year old self?

For me, truth comes from joy, not from self-sacrifice.

19. The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

That I never have doubted the calling that told me I should dance.

20. Pirouette or fouette?

Hmm, could I jump instead?

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