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Friday, July 26, 2024

20 questions with Allan Morgan

Meet Vancouver actor, Allan Morgan.

20 Questions with Allan Morgan

1. Your first job.

Picking strawberries for a commercial farm outside of Guelph, Ontario. I think I was twelve. I guess child labour laws had not been enacted at the time.

2. The job you always wanted as a child?

After reading “The Prince and The Pauper” in grade six I was quite convinced the the role of Prince would suit me quite well.

3. Your pet peeve.

People with their umbrellas up walking under the awnings on Vancouver streets. Or spatially unaware people in general.

4. Your hero.

Harvey Milk.

5. Your biggest indulgence.

Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream.

6. One thing no one knows about you.

I don’t watch television.

7. Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

A sexual partner, an endless supply of bread and jams, and a toaster.

8. The one word your best friend would use to describe you.


9. If they made a movie about your life, who would it star?


10. Hero or villain?

As a modest Canadian, hero seems a bit excessive and villain a bit arch.  Perhaps a simple fellow trying to be his best self, with a couple of bumps on the road which knock him off the path occasionally.

11. Your life’s motto/mantra.

If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution.

12. Your favourite playwright?

Michel Marc Bouchard.

13. The last book you read.

“The Sisters Brothers”.

14. If you were a cartoon character what cartoon character would you be?

Foghorn Leghorn, because I would just like to talk like that.

15. What will it say on your grave marker?

I was certain there’d be more time.

16. Who would you most like to have dinner with?

Emma Thompson, Maggie Smith and Judi Dench. Please? I’ll cook!

17. Your idea of happiness.

Laughter. Baked goods.

18. If you could go back in time, what would you tell your twenty-year-old self?

Here’s a picture of us when we were twenty which I look at often and say to myself, how come I didn’t know I actually was a good looking guy? So, you need to know that and that we are good people!

19. The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

A great circle of caring, committed, funny talented friends.

20. To be or not to be?

To be, and to be constantly open to change and redirection, and hope. Lose those and the answer tips towards the not side of things.

Meet Allan Morgan

Allan is very pleased to be back on the stage where he has been at home for more than thirty years. Some highlights include appearing in London, Australia, New Zealand, and San Francisco, with The Overcoat. He appeared for several seasons at Bard on the Beach, most notably in The Tempest as Prospero, as well as King John, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing.

Allan has toured across Canada with the Electric Company in Studies in Motion. He has appeared at The Belfry in The Drawer Boy, Dirty Blonde, and I am My Own Wife for which he received the Victoria Critic’s Award for best performance. Other favourites include Red, Thinking of Yu, and Abraham Lincoln Goes to the Theatre for ATP in Calgary.

Allan also loves to organize and create events for his casts and fellow workers. In many ways he is a “cruise director” orchestrating major season beginning parties, and Stage Manager Appreciation Days. While performing in The Overcoat at Toronto’s CanStage he organized a silent auction and in a bake sale in Calgary he helped raise $2,000 for Japanese Tsunami relief. His lemon squares are known and sought out across the land.

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