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Sunday, February 16, 2025

20 questions with Babe Gurr

Meet Vancouver-based singer-songwriter, Babe Gurr.

20 Questions with Babe Gurr

1. Your first job.

Blackberry picking at age twelve.

2. The job you always wanted as a child?


3. Your pet peeve.

People who don’t respect and love animals.

4. Your hero.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

5. Your biggest indulgence.

Getting hooked on some Netflix series.

6. One thing no one knows about you.

I can’t tell you because no one knows.

7. Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

My guitar, food, and a boat.

8. The one word your best friend would use to describe you.


9. If they made a movie about your life, who would it star?

Don Knotts.

10. Hero or villain?

A little of both.

11. Your life’s motto/mantra.

Stay in the present,

12. What’s getting the most play on your Spotify playlist right now?

I don’t listen to Spotify … I still listen to CDs.

13. The last book you read.

“Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens.

14. If you were a superhero, what superhero would you be, and why?

I don’t believe anyone is a superhero but if I had to be one I would pick anyone who could fly. I guess that is most of them.

15. What will it say on your grave marker?

Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Babe Gurr … who?

16. Who would you most like to have dinner with?

My friends.

17. Your idea of happiness.

My life partner, friends who laugh at my weird sense of humour, family, sunshine, a beach cottage and a load of animals, especially a dog.

18. If you could go back in time, what would you tell your twenty-year-old self?

Don’t waste time with worry.

19. The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

The way I can yodel while painting my toenails. It’s a beautiful thing.

20. To be or not to be?

I’d rather be … is that the question? No that is the answer.

Meet Babe Gurr

Babe Gurr’s sound defies labelling but musically she finds a home best described as adult alternative, a fusion of blues/pop, with a twist of roots. Her new release “Blurred Lines” exemplifies her unique and seamless blend of genres. Her warm and sultry voice, intelligent lyrics, memorable melodies, and savvy personality add up to pretty much everything you want to see on a stage.

The organic bent to Babe Gurr’s music contributes to the success of her songwriting. Babe has recently received accolades; taking the win for the Sonicbids Nashville Song Contest, garnering honourable mention for three self-penned tunes in the acclaimed Billboard World Song Contest, and being selected as a finalist for three tunes in the 12th and 13th Great American Song Contests.

Whether live in concert or on her various recordings, this artist promises to bring people on an emotional rollercoaster. Audiences will feel a whole range of emotions while on this musical journey but will walk away with a smile upon their faces!

Babe has headlined at numerous festivals across Canada and has played some of the most popular and prestigious concert halls spanning from Vancouver Island to the Maritimes as well as U.S. dates in New York and Seattle and her name is becoming familiar to many more fans each day, people who appreciate finely crafted songs performed with sincerity.

Strong reviews for both her recorded and live work have given her a profile that is beginning to attract attention not only at home but further afield. Nashville’s Gary Allen puts it succinctly: “This Canadian chick rocks!

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