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Friday, July 26, 2024

20 questions with Kale Penny (and Carl Perkins)

Kale Penny plays Carl Perkins in the Arts Club Theatre Company production of Million Dollar Quartet

On December 4, 1956 Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash came together at the Sun Record Studios in Memphis, Tennessee for an impromptu jam session.

Inspired by this true event, the famed recording session is recreated in the Arts Club Theatre Company’s production of Million Dollar Quartet currently playing at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage.

In on our continuing special 20 questions series we meet the actors playing these four rock and roll legends who also answer our 20 questions as their musical counterparts.

20 questions with Kale Penny (and Carl Perkins)

Your first job.

Kale: Paper route.
Carl: We grew up as sharecroppers. That means we could farm our land and the landlord took a share of the profits.

The job you always wanted as a child.

Kale: To paint lines on the road.
Carl: Truck driver.

Your pet peeve.

Kale: Tangled cables.
Carl: Plagiarism.

Your hero.

Kale: Gord Downie.
Carl: Uncle John. The man who taught me the git-tar.

Your biggest indulgence.

Kale: Sugar.
Carl: Bourbon.

One thing no one knows about you.

Kale: I’m allergic to cashews, pistachios, and macadamia nuts.
Carl: I wrote “Blue Suede Shoes”.

Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

Kale: My guitar, food, and water.
Carl: Git-tar, bottle of bourbon, pack of Camel Cigarettes.

The one word your best friend would use to describe you.

Kale: Goofy.
Carl: Awkward

If you were not an actor (or musician), what would you be doing?

Kale: Massage therapy.
Carl: I would still be a farmer.

Hero or villain?

Kale: Hero!
Carl: Hero.

Your life’s motto/mantra.

Kale: As my dad says, “Seize The Day”.
Carl: Don’t step on my blue suede shoes!

Your favourite song.

Kale: My favourite Carl Perkins song is “Boppin The Blues”.
Carl: “Natural Forces” by Mr Lyle Lovett

Your favourite movie.

Kale: O Brother Where Art Thou.
Carl: The Great Escape.

If you were a cartoon character which cartoon character would you be?

Kale: TJ Detweiler from Recess.
Carl: Bugs Bunny! (Big Ears)

What will it say on your grave marker?

Kale: There will be no stone above my grave. Plant a tree. That will say a lot more about who I am.
Carl: “Here lies that guy no one remembers”

Who would you most like to have dinner with?

Kale: Eric Clapton.
Carl: John Lennon.

Your idea of happiness.

Kale: Laughing with loved ones.
Carl: A nice dinner with the wife and kids.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 20-year old self?

Kale: I would tell him to focus!
Carl: I’d tell him to drive safe!

The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

Kale: My new EP “The Tracks”! Available after the show!
Carl: Knowing all the people who have been influenced by lil ol’ me.

To be or not to be?

Kale: Well that depends on what!
Carl: To be.

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