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Sunday, February 9, 2025

20 questions with Tammy Gillis

Meet Vancouver-based actor, Tammy Gillis.

With an impressive list of television and film credits, Tammy’s upcoming projects include the world premiere of the feature film Menorca at the Whistler Film Festival in which she has the lead starring role, as well as television appearances on ABC’s hit series Once Upon A Time and the new E! Network series The Arrangement.

Meet Tammy Gillis

Growing up in rural Manitoba, Tammy Gillis lived in a small community far from movie-making and acting opportunities. After a new English teacher moved to town and started a drama club, Tammy’s passion for performing finally had an outlet. From the first play the club did, Tammy was hooked. In University, Tammy was scouted for modelling, which turned into commercial work, before her career grew to earning over 50 notable film and television credits to her name, industry acclaim and was nominated for a Leo Award.

Tammy loves to travel and drink wine around the world.  A complete nerd at heart, she is currently learning how to use the editing program Premiere Pro “for fun”.

You can find out more about Tammy on her internet webpage or follow her on Twitter.

20 Questions with Tammy Gillis

1 Your first job.

A dishwasher at our local restaurant. Hated it so much. I have so much respect for the dishwashers of the world.

2 The job you always wanted as a child.

Lifeguard at our community swimming pool – they seemed so glamorous. I eventually became a lifeguard and it definitely wasn’t glamourous.

3 Your pet peeve.

I definitely have OCD so I have so many… First one that comes to mind is when someone leaves the fridge or freezer door open too long, it drives me insane.

4 Your hero.

My mom. She took care of everyone and everything.

5 Your biggest indulgence.

Wine. Red, white, bubbly, cheap, expensive, even the sickeningly sweet ice wine. Oh, and recently, skin care products – I will try anything!

6 One thing no one knows about you.

I am an introvert so I have to force myself to be social and leave the house. Recently, I’ve become addicted to Pinterest, which doesn’t help.

7 Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

Wine, sunscreen, and a personal chef that has unlimited access to the best ingredients.

8 The one word your best friend would use to describe you.

Tenacious. I asked her.

9 If you were not pursuing a career as an actor, what would you be doing?

International spy.

10 Hero or villain?


11 Your life’s motto/mantra.

If you think you can or you can’t, you are right.

12 The song that gets the most play on your iTunes playlist.

“Not Afraid” by Eminem

13 The one role you are destined to play.

A female James Bond. I think I’m a chameleon and I like to run around and kill people … kidding …

14 If you were a cartoon character what cartoon character would you be and why?

Beetlejuice. He always seems to be happy and having fun, and I think a bit drunk.

15 What will it say on your grave marker?

No regrets.

16 Who would you most like to have dinner with?

The old school cast of SNL – Chevy Chase, Chris Farley, Bill Murray, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Gilda Radner, Dan Ackroyd, John Belushi, Phil Hartman, Will Ferrell, Eddie Murphy, Jane Curtin.

17 Your idea of happiness.

Being able to eat a “real” pizza made with flour and “real” cheese. I am celiac and lactose intolerant. Yes, it sucks.

18 The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

Being brave enough and inspiring people to do the same.

19 If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 20-year old self?

Stop wasting time on the wrong people.

20 To be or not to be?

To be.  Even when life sucks, you can find magic in anything if you look hard enough.

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