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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Our arts communities need us now more than ever

With the unprecedented health crisis happening around the world, it is more important than ever that we support the arts

With the unprecedented health crisis happening around the world right now, it is more important than ever that we support our local arts organizations.

With the recent announcement from health authorities to limit gatherings, there are arts groups in Vancouver who have and will continue to see many of their performances and concerts cancelled.

It will not only impact the organization’s bottom line but is already impacting the livelihood of those in the arts. It isn’t just the companies and artists, but also the technicians, designers, bartenders, box office personnel, administrators, promotors. Well, you get the idea. The trickledown effect is enormous.

There are some venues who are currently remaining open. If you feel comfortable, the venue is following the necessary precautions, adhering to advice from local health authorities and your situation allows, you may want to consider supporting those arts groups who will continue to perform during this crisis.

For those arts organizations who have cancelled shows, many are asking patrons to donate the value of their tickets back for a charitable tax receipt. I would urge you to consider doing this to help them weather this storm.

These are the people who make our city vibrant, force us to contemplate tough questions and make us laugh and cry. Without the arts, we risk losing part of our humanity and now is certainly not the time to do that.

Vancouver Presents is continuing to monitor the situation with the various arts groups and venues around the city, and we will keep you informed as best we can.

And once this crisis is over and things return to normal, I hope you will join us as we will be the first in line to purchase a ticket for a show from one of our local arts groups.

Finally, don’t believe everything you read on social media. You will find the best advice and information from the Government of Canada and the BC Ministry of Health.

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